

An Overview
Circulation keeps the library collection dynamic and vibrant. It is one of the Modules that comes into direct contact with the users. In an integrated library system, the real-time transactions are reflected in OPACPlus. Library's lending policy has to be spelled out in an unambiguous terms so that the Module could incorporate it. Some libraries unreasonably demand that this Module is made very so flexible for all sorts of manipulation. They have to attune themselves to the new system and cast off the old traditional garb. Providing for options is different from overruling the accepted terms of lending frequently. In view of the changing demands of the library, it provides a lot of options at the Superuser control. Here the transactions are so transparent that all details about the documents in circulation are faithfully recorded.

What This Module Does for You

  • Maintains the Transaction File.
  • Identifies the delinquent members.
  • Alerts staff to lost or stolen ID cards when presented.
  • Checks out, checks in, renews and reserves books.
  • Indicates reserved/recalled material.
  • Keeps track of and recall overdue titles.
  • Does inhouse checkin of special materials.
  • Displays all items checked out to a patron.
  • Calculates fines and fees for overdue items.
  • Automatically prints recall notices/fee statements.
  • Registers members and automatically assigns IDs.
  • Generates Reports--Daily and Occasional



On pressing TransAction, you will find offered five options: CheckOut, CheckIn, Reserves, ReNewals, ReCall. The mode of transaction will display at the right-top corner. If you have sometimes confused with one transaction for the other, you had better look at the warning message. You cannot switch from one mode of transaction to the other within the TransAction. You have to come out of it, and change the mode. Your could hardly outwit the mode!


Two types of checkout are possible: General and Special. General is meant for all library documents that bear accession number, and the Special, for those without accession numbers like magazines, pamphlet and new books normally checked out overnight. Enter BOID (Borrower Identification). In case of doubt, you may pick out from the displayed list by pressing F2. As soon as you have entered BOID, you will find name and address, message if any and all books checked out on that card (both special and general)--Accession Number, Title, DueDate, Overdue. Books reserved, recalled and overdue are highlighted. You could accordingly remind the patron. When you enter accession number, the full bibliographical details about the book are displayed. No Reference book could be checked out. You may enter the due date. If it falls on week-ends or holidays, monthly calendar is popped up for choosing another date. All the checked out material gets updated immediately in the displayed list. When special materials are checked out, the system automatically generates item number, and all that you have to do is to enter the brief title. If you have finished with the Special, you have to press not to go back to the home menu.


CheckIn is relatively easy. As in CheckOut, you have two types of CheckIn: General and Special. Choose whichever applicable. At one stroke, you could checkin all the books. Just use the key to select (unselect) items and press . You will find the selected items go off from the displayed list one by one.


Nobody could infringe upon your right to renew the book unless and until someone else has already reserved. Are you curious enough to know who has reserved the book? It's not fair on your part to ask for such personal information so long as you don't doubt the integrity of the system. The system might debar you from doing any transaction until you return the book, which is both overdue and reserved. Normally not more than three renewals are permissible. You may wonder why all this ifs and buts. Nobody could monopolize the library materials. The man who has reserved the book will lose faith in, if you try to hoodwink the system. OK, you could renew the book and know the next due date without violating the basic norms.


You can reserve any book in circulation except the one that stands in your name. You have got every right to know when that book is likely to be returned. If you cannot afford to wait, you can tell the Librarian. He may perhaps recall the book specifically for you. But you cannot insist upon knowing who has taken the book. Not because this piece of information is not available, but because of maintaining certain confidentiality. Reservation is not allowed for special materials. Non-members cannot make use of this privilege.


The Library reserves the right to recall any book from any person with or without giving specific reason. Recalled books need not be overdue books. The system will automatically generate recall notices to individual members.


Suppose OPACPlus shows that a particular book is in circulation. You may be interested in knowing who has taken the book so that you could recall the book immediately for urgent reference. Sometimes you may face a situation like this. Some member has brought in books for checking in, but you don't find some books cheked out against his card. What to do? Can you ask him to take back those books? knowing pretty well that they belong to the Library! No. You have to find out Whom these poor things are charged to. It's quite possible that the member has brought in, by mistake, books belonging to his roommate. To tide over this daily occurrence, we have to resort to Find Whom?


















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